Millcreek Wholesale Plants

About Our Plants

At Millcreek Gardens we take pride in growing our plants with care and expertise.  Our growers understand the production needs of each of our offerings, ensuring the highest quality plants for every gardener. 

Our Plants

At Millcreek Gardens, our plants are grown by experienced growers who understand the unique production requirements for herbaceous perennials, herbs, annuals, and shrubs.  Our goal is to produce the highest quality plants that will perform and bloom in the first year for the home gardener.

To achieve this goal, we are focused on nurturing a strong root system for each plant. Most of our starter plants are propagated by our staff, but when needed, we source starter plants from other fine growers across the country. Our custom soil mix has been developed over many years of growing to assure good drainage, yet excellent water holding capacity. It is comprised mainly of composted pine bark, peat moss, and dairy compost, with a controlled-release fertilizer. Our recyclable containers have been selected for the ideal volume to allow strong root growth, drainage characteristics, and attractive appearance. To learn about our growing practices, check our our FAQ page.

Most of our plants are labeled with a Millcreek Gardens Custom Tag. Our tags have a full color picture, Latin and common names, plant description, and a unique bar code for scanning at checkout and easy inventory control. Some plants may be labeled with a different tag due to royalty requirements. In the rare case where a Millcreek Gardens Custom tag is not available, a printed stake with all of the above information will be used. Visit our Services page for details on that and other services we offer!

Our products are grown in many different container sizes. Please reference our Container Size Dimensions Chart for specific container size information including dimensions, volume, how plants are packaged, and categories of plants offered in each size.

Current Plant Availability

NOTE: Live Availability is viewable to anyone and does not show pricing.
Customer setup is required to login and view pricing and to place an order.
Please contact us to setup an account or to receive access. 

Visit here for helpful tips on how to place your order with us!

View our  Landscape Availability!

  • This list contains inventory of our plants that are not retail-ready, but are still great for landscape installations.
  • Items may be cut back, off center, past bloom or otherwise do not meet the Millcreek standard for retail shelves.
  • Download the landscape availability by clicking the green button to the left.  
  •  Open the document and enter quantities you wish to order
  • Save the document and email it back to us at That’s it!

Our older format Excel Availability is available for download here for a limited time. 
Please note, this document is not as up-to-date as our Live Availability.

Millcreek's Featured Plants

Recent pictures of crops we are currently shipping!

Browse our online listing of Plant Varieties for the 2025 season


Our 20+ varieties of hardy Ferns add wonderful texture and color to any design.

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Our more than 40 varieties of ornamental grasses are a great addition to your garden.

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We grow over 160 varieties of Herbs, most of which have wonderful culinary uses.

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We offer more than 40 varieties of Garden Peonies as well as a small selection of Tree and ITOH Peonies.

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We grow more than 35 varieties of ornamental woody shrubs including butterfly bush, boxwood, spirea and more.

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